Do you want your work to get more exposure?

Why you should be entering your art into contests and challenges.


Entering contests and joining online challenges is one of the best ways for you to get your artwork, photography, videography, or writing viewed by a larger audience — especially if you’re successful and end up winning a contest or challenge. But remember that even honorable mentions get you visibility and every little bit is a step in the right direction.

It's important to leverage this aspect of social media when trying to grow your online audience because entering contests or joining social media challenges is free exposure and it often leads to bigger opportunities.

For example, for years Instagram hosted a challenge called “The Weekend Hashtag Project” and my participation in it was a large reason for my early account growth.

Each week there was a new theme and anyone in the world could join the challenge, submit an image, and had a chance at being featured by Instagram’s own account. My image was selected many times and each one I gained more followers.

Finding your niche and looking for contests that apply to you is another great way to gain visibility. Many years ago I learned about the IPPAwards, iPhone Photography Awards, and as an avid iPhone photographer, I began entering my work. 

In 2013 I received an honorable mention in the children category, in 2014 I received an honorable mention in both the children and people categories, and then in 2016 my image won third place overall as the photographer of the year, and my photo was featured in Time Magazine as well as the Wall Street Journal and many other online outlets. It was such an exciting offer, plus I gained so much visibility.   

All of this exposure helped me build a community of people on Instagram who loved to view my artwork and photography, and we're willing to share my creativity with their friends and followers.

That kind of exposure almost always leads to increased interest in your work, and it provides you with a powerful base of users interested in the artwork you produce. It was also fun and really encouraged me to continue entering contests.

A few months back I entered a handful of my favorite photographs into the 2021 Siena Creative Photo Awards.

And just this week it was announced that one of my submissions had been selected!


You might know the image, it is a self portrait standing in my shower with a bunch of pink and red balloons all around me. 

It was commended in the conceptual category which means it will be credited on the awards website and displayed in their digital gallery!

Any exposure is a win and I will definitely enter again next year!

Here are some amazing upcoming contests that you can enter your work into today:

2021 Drone Awards,
June 15, 2021

IPA 2021 Competition,
July 21, 2021

IPA 2021 Online Awards,
July 04, 2021

The Mobiography Awards,
August 20, 2021

PHOTO.COM Solo Exhibition,
June 22, 2021

AAP Magazine B&W Competition,
June 08, 2021

I encourage you to look for more contests in your creative field and enter!!

Carolyn Mara