Childhood Unplugged January

This has been a difficult month for me, I had some health issues that landed me in the hospital for a few days and in recovery mode for the weeks following. Each month I look so forward to spending a day doing an unplugged activity with the boys, we make such an effort to keep them unplugged with no TV during the week and no video games at all so for me this project is more about getting out of the house and spending quality time somewhere new, enjoying the earth we have around us. I was afraid it may not happen this time around but the importance was too great so with a few days left I took the boys on a small outing to pick tomatoes and strawberries at a little farm. To be honest the place was kind of a joke, much smaller than I imagined and with very few strawberries to pick…. but we got out, we did something together, it was wonderful – for them and for me! I love this project. To see all the incredible images the other photographers post visit Childhood Unplugged.