video play of cousins in tuscany

In grad school I received a masters in photo, video and related media and my thesis was a video project... I spent hours editing in Final Cut Pro and honestly got a bit burnt out.  I have spent the last ten years working mostly in still photography but recently was reinvigorated to play with video after the talented Joy Prouty made a video for my family, something I wanted after seeing one she made for the Gardella's.  I wanted something that I was in, that I could look back on and remember the time I spent with my children.  But after seeing it I was reminded of the beauty that video can bring and decided that this year I would make some videos for my boys to look back on.  So here is the first, with their cousins in Italy!  I am so happy to have reopened this form of art in my life, as I know it will be a gift for them!