
This week the prompt for instagram's weekend hashtag project was WHPactionpacked so I decided that I would use my two action packed boys in the images. I always take the time to read the explanation (pasted below) and since this week was inspired by National Comic Book Day I decided to dress them up as superheroes for the shots and then we talked about ways to fly! Jumping and swimming seemed to be the best options for us so they each got to do one!





instagram Weekend Hashtag Project: #WHPactionpacked

The goal this weekend is to make photos, videos and illustrations that capture a peak moment of action. Inspired by National Comic Book Day in the US, here are some playful ways to make images that pop with energy:
Use dramatic lighting, creative poses and bright colors to make ordinary life feel more comic-like.
Keep in mind the environment in which your action is taking place. Control your backdrop by framing the desired scene in camera, then photographing your subject as they pass through the frame.

Try placing your camera low to the ground and shooting upward at your subject for a more dramatic perspective.

PROJECT RULES: Please add the #WHPactionpacked hashtag only to photos and videos taken over this weekend and only submit your own visuals to the project. Any tagged photo or video taken over the weekend is eligible to be featured Monday.

For more examples and inspiration, check out blog.instagram.com.