the story of winston and bodford

I'm not exactly sure when we started talking about getting Rufus a sibling but it was a long long time ago. Since we were also trying to have a third child we thought we should wait but with pregnancy loss after loss we decided enough, a puppy we could get so we put our name on the list.  And THEN I got pregnant with Adelia. For a series of circumstances, including Zika and me moving to NYC for almost six months, we decided it had to wait.

After lots of consideration we decided that once Adelia turned one we would get a brother for Rufus.  The vet told us he would stay younger and healthier with a puppy around, and since he was turning 11 this summer we decided to go for it!  We contacted Moss Creek Goldendoodles where we had adopted Rufus over a decade earlier and were put on the list for a puppy born at the before summer so that we could get him after we got home from our travels!


The litter was born and after 6 weeks we were matched with our puppy and named him Winston!  Elated we started getting excited and planning everything we needed... then just two days before leaving for Italy we got the terrible news that Rufus had cancer and very little time left. Devastated is an understatement and we spent the next few weeks getting our minds around what had happened.  Then I sent an email to Moss Creek to let them know what had happened and it lead to a phone call that seemed like fate more than anything else...

The family that was suppose to adopt one of Winston's brothers (who happened to be in his same bootcamp and was best friends with him) had a change of circumstance and could no longer take him... SOOOO.... we decided to take them both!

This is the first picture they sent us of the boys!!! We were about to board a plane home from Italy and somewhere over the Atlantic we told the boys we were getting two puppies!


The family had already named the puppy Bodhi but we weren't sure if it worked with Winston so we settled on Bodford with Bodi as a nickname!

Over the next month the boys stayed in bootcamp and we would get weekly updates and lots of pictures and videos.  We were so excited about the day that they would finally join our family and fill in home with doggie love again!


What is really crazy is how much Bodi looks like Rufus.. and if we hadn't lost Rufus we would never have gotten Bodi in the first place. I truly believe that one day we will look back on everything and thank Rufus for letting Bodford into our lives.


So... here we are! Day one with our new family members Winston and Bodford and we honestly would not be any happier!
