well I joined TikTok

There is something about being stuck at home with no where to go that screams for new creative outlets. While I have been creating for and posting on Instagram for seven, yes SEVEN, years, the allure of the new is exciting and I am always up for a challenge so I decided to join TikTok.

Like anything new there is a learning curve as well as a need to figure out the type of content you want to create that both resinates with an audience and is fun to make.  I started out trying some fun videos with the kids and then tried to put some of my yoga videos with Adelia. The mix of music with the videos is new and a bit hard to time just right but we are definitely having fun!

The first video I ever posted was a funny lip sync I did with my son Giacomo, see it HERE and to see some yoga videos click HERE and HERE!

Come FOLLOW ME on TikTok!